Baguio Business Trip

Yesterday, we went to Baguio City to finalize the Sale of my Nanay's property at Military Cut Off. We were in Baguio before 8Am. Since City Hall was still closed, we went to Cafe By the Ruins for Breakfast. We ordered the Bangus (which tasted and looked like it was already old) the longanisa and another breakfast plate. The only thing which I enjoyed was the fresh fruits and the Sweet Sugar Candy they serve with the Tea. After the not so satisfying Breakfast we went to Baguio City Hall. I went to the Register of Deeds to get a copy of the Title's Certified True Copy. While waiting for the release of the Certified TCT i went to the Real Estate Division to pay the Real Estate Taxes for the year and secure a Certificate of Non Delinquency. I went back to the RD, but they said that it would take 3-5 Dayd for the release of the Certified True Copy of the TCT since it would come from Manila. But they gave me a Certified Copy which they said will do for the meantime. After I went to BIR Baguio to pay the Capital Gains Taxes of the Property. After filling up the forms, they told me to go to LandBank and to deposit the CGT to their Account. So off to Landbank, but when i arrived at LandBank, the Security Guard told me they only accept BIR payments from 8-10!! It was already 11 so I was in a situation since we would not be staying overnight. So I called up the buyer and told him if it was okay that he would be the one who will go to LandBank, he said it was Okay, so that solves it. Our meeting was at 4PM at the Baguio Country Club, there was still 5 hours to go so we decided to go around and do some sightseeing.

I had always wanted to visit the BenCab Musuem, and this was the perfect time. So to BenCab Museum then. The Museum is around 30 Minutes away. And when you arrive at the entrance you will not think that inside it was HUGE! The property where the Museum stands is BIG. The Museum is around 4 Stories high and the galleries are big. It is a World Class Museum that should be patronized not just by Art Lovers but by everyone. Outside the museum is a Landscape that will Wow you. Across the Museum is where Ben Cab lives. I spotted him there, and he was with some guests.

Some of BenCab's Bulol Collection, there are still more

BenCab's Studio/Home

The Garden's of BenCab

BenCab Museum as seen from the outside

After BenCab, we went to Ritto's for Lunch. Food took something like forever to arrive, so by the time food arrived we were super hungry. Their Bulalo is nice.

Ritto's Bulalo

After Ritto's. We proceeded to the Good Shepherd convent to buy some Ube Jam. Then it was off to the Baguio Country Club to meet with Dr C. My sister bought Raisin Bread from the Bake Shop of the BCC. It is much raved about by others. It was just 3PM, but I already informed Dr C that we were there. My Nanay already wanted to go home and she did not want to go out of the Car anymore, So she told me that i just meet Dr C. Got a Text Message from Dr C to meet him at the lobby of the BCC, and to bring my Nanay too since she will be signing something.

We arrived at the Lobby and Dr C called me. After few minutes, talking, signing of papers, the deal was sealed and a Check was handed to my Nanay. Finally, after years the property was settled.


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