Manaoag Church Tour Experience

The last time we went to Manaoag was probably 5-6 years ago. Last December 15,2011 we went back to Manaog. And i must say it was an experience that I will never forget.

We arrived at Manaog after lunch. When we arrived there was a boy near the sign that said Manaog Church. He ran and guided us to the parking area. We gave him P20. And soon several teenagers were approaching us, selling all sorts of Religious Items. There was also a man who was handing us a receipt that there was a Parking Fee of P50. We were hesitant at first to pay the P50 but we gave him the P50 anyway. 

Walking to the Church, the teenager sellers were still pestering us. But after the Stall Areas and the area near the Church doors they stopped following us. 

We toured the Church for something like 40 Minutes. My sister went back ahead of me as i was still busy taking a picture of the front of the Church. When I got back, several teenagers followed me, i tried to run but they were running also. One of the teenagers kept on pestering me to buy her items, even putting the item on my hands and placing it on my arms when i would not hold it. But the most pesky kid did not budge from the car door so i could not close the door. And it would have been rude to push him and he might even say i hurt him. We just ended up giving him P10 for him to leave and which he accepted. Whew, that was such an experience that i hope next time will not happen. Or better yet, i need to practicing running faster!!


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